My Song List

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All Originals [click "Listen to Music" to hear my homegrown (except for two) demos]


6:10 p.m. on November 18

A Mile Off Shore

A Million of That Trillion 

A Rainbow is Always a Good Sign

Ain’t That Enough Tomorrows for Today?

All of a Sudden I’m 50

Any of the Five Dogs in my Life

April Seconds

Are You Available for Takeout?

Aren’t You Even Gonna Lie?

As Angry as You Want to Be

Ask Yourself

At the House

Atticus Schmatticus

Baba Oge, Father of Beauties

Back to Being Me

Back to Haunt Me

Battles that I Fought

Bertie, My Boy, My Little Stick in the Mud

Better Frame of Mind

Better Love than Mine

Better Windows

Bleeding from a Self-Inflicted Wound

Blood Run Clean

Boots on the Ground in Somebody Else's War

Boys Without Dates

Breakfast with the Devil

Buy You a Case of Wine

Call Me if You Have To

Call Me Right Now


Caught in the Undertow

Cedar Fire

Choose to Live with It

Clandestine Affair

Counting the Bodies at Bull Run


Dancing on a Grudge

Darkness of My Own Device

Darrow’s Courthouse Pub

Dee's Roadkill Cafe

Diana Wins Another Round

Dina Mandredini

Doin' Life on the Installment Plan


Don Rickles is my Spirit Animal

Don't Buy Into Climate Change

Don't Flirt With the Married Guy

Don't Get Loud

Don't Marry an AUSA

Don't Put the Idea in My Head

Don't Say I Never Gave You Nothin'

Don't Toy With Me

Dreams from My Father

Eddie Matthews is Safe Tonight

Ego The Size Of Mexico

Eleanor, Will You See Me?

Eleven Strains of Pain

Every Man Has Only One Revolution in His Heart

Every Time I Mention You

Every Woman's Game

Everybody Asks About My Hairdo

Everybody Lies on Their Resume

Everybody's Happy Now

Facing In From The Polar Ends


Falling for the Stars

Ferry to Coronado

Fictional Character

Figure on a Bike

First Day of Spring

First Words from Ivy

Five Small Towns

Flocks of White Pelicans

For This Guy

Form Letter from a Retired Prostitute

Forty-Four Years Ago Tonight

Four O'Clock in the Morning

Fourteen Days in Quarantine

Fourth and Two

Frolic With Me

Full Night’s Sleep

Garbage Day

Going Through the Portal of My Heart

Getting Robbed by the Change Machine

Good Luck on Pleasant Street

Good Sounds

Grave Concerns

Guest Room 302

Hawaii is like Heroin

Heart Cast in Tempered Steel

Hello, Friend

Heroes Living Ordinary LIves

He's In a Band

Hey, Buddy

Hey, Siri

High-Priced Attorney

Hit from Behind

How Can Everyone Know the Truth (and Still Disagree)?

How it All Plays Out

How Many Bites Do You Get? 

Hurts to Be Me

I Didn’t Choose You

I Don't Know Why the Baby Cries

I Don't Win

I Had a Dream About You

I Know a Little Something

I Hope This Year's Better Than the Last One

I Looked At You

I Mean Here

I Meant it Every Time

I See the Signal

I Still Care

I Took the Wrong Train

I Want to Talk to You

I Wish I Could See Me Through Your Eyes

I’d Have Stayed

I'd Like to Think

I'd Love to Hear My Own Advice

I’d Rather Be Numb

I'd Rather Be the Fool

I’d Rather Have Your Sister

If I Could Be Like Bob Duvall

If I Had A Dime

If Oswald Had Lived

If That's the Case

If You Die in Iowa

If You Don't Like Me (Just Pretend)

If You Grew Up on High Street

If You Need a Reason to Miss Me

If You Think I’m Losing My Love For You

If You're a Fan

I'm an Orphan, Now

I'm at Peace When You're Holding Me Down

I'm Gonna Run

I'm Saying Please

I'm Supposed to Care

In Every Little Town

In My Blind Eye

Indiana Tollway at 3 a.m. 

Inside Man

Inside Out

Into the Dunk Tank

Irish Boys


It All Points to You

It Meant A Whole Lot More To Me

It Will Never Be Simple Again

January Victory

Just a Place

Just Drive

Just Let Me Play

Keep Your Eyes on the Floor

Last Airport Home

Last Fall Tour

Last Night in Waikiki

Let Me Know if You've Heard This One

Let the Twins Out of the Basement

Let's Go Downtown and Watch the Homely People Dance

Let's Not Go to Bed Mad

Like a Mom to Us

Lillian Asplund


Living Out of a Suitcase

Living Through a Datemare

Local Girl in the Final Four

Long Lunch with Kwame Ture

Looking Down on 2nd Street

Lost Loves of Our Lives

Lovely Lass from Russellville

Marwan Will Never Go

Mary and Kim's Pre-Nuptual Conversation

Me and You in New Orleans

Melting In The Sun

Michael’s Song

Midnight Escapade


More Fred Rogers Than Anyone

Morning Too Soon

Mother Blues, Don’t You Love Your Son? Listen to Music

Move Over, Farm Boy

My Boss is a Harvard Boy

My Fallback Life

My New Year's Date

My One-Hundred Percent Original PRO License-free Birthday Song

My One-Hundred Percent Original PRO License-free Soundcheck Song

My Place in Line

My Song About Why I Don’t Do Christmas Songs

My Wife is Off to Jury Duty Today


Nathan Asher's in the House

Netflix, Hulu, Disney, YouTube

No Good Business Here

No Hair

No One Else

No Safe Love

Not Young and Thin No More

Nothing a Puppy Won't Cure

Nun-ja Warriors 

On Hold With the DOT

One Day I'll Sing this Song to You

One Man's Heaven

One More Breath Before She Opens the Door

One September Weekend

One-Sided Promises Listen to Music

Only I Can Let You Out

Over The Clouds

Out So Far . . . And It's So Late

Paid to Paint

Path to Me and You

People Who Don't See My Way

Picked Up in a Vinyard in Mainz

Please Don't Leave Today

Please Don't Tell Me Who He Is

Porque, Hermana?

Put Me In A Song

Queen Elizabeth

Raining in the West

Rebound Thing

Repositioning My Life


Ringing All the Time


Russian Roulette

San Diego Listen to Music

Second Road to Justice

Send My Ashes to Them

Separate Ways

Seven of My Closet Friends

She Must Have Read My Eyes

Shiela Ann

She's Goin' in the Portal

She's Still Walkin'

Smoke at Home

Smokey Listen to Music


Someone Who Looks Like You

Sometimes I Answer the Robocalls

Stealing Big Joel Kinser's Song

Still the Matter of My Dreams

Sweet Child But a Monster Now

Tearing at My Heart

Tearing Down the Mill

Ten Second Glimpse of the Tasmanian Tiger

Thank God For Caller I.D.

That Derecho was a Badass Storm

The Best Part of the Dream

The Better of the Two of Us

The Bold Prose You Write

The Cop Shop Now

The Creator

The D.E.A.

The Loneliest Night of My Life

The Man Who Loves You

The Mayor of DeSoto

The Moment that I Realized

The Neighbor's Out for His Morning Walk

The Other Side of Your Heart (NOTE:  This song is licensed by the thugs at BMI.  Thus, I will not perform it in any establishment that doesn't have a BMI license.) 

The People Down the Hall

The Prayer of a Mariupol Father

The Reason I Keep Coming Here

The Reason for Your Spite

The "S" Word

The Sandbag Line

The Shallow End of My Memory

The Story of My Life

The Weather Man's Trying to Scare Us

That RINO Robert Ray

The Words Come Out

The Young Spanish Prince Listen to Music

There's Some Leftover Meatloaf in the Fridge

These Demons

These Same Two Arms

They Tore Down Uptown Bill's Today

Thinking That's The Price

This Horrible Sense of Never

This Jail is a Crime

Threadbare Peace

Three Thousand Houses in Three Hundred Days

Throw Down the Ladders


Time to Grieve

Time to Turn the Heartache Into Art

To Thaw


Try to Tell Me

Two Yards Apart


Under the Bridge

Up for Grabs

What Another Man Has Listen to Music

What I Held in Reserve

What to Tell the Kids

What Was She Like in Our Day?

Whatever You Ask

When Baby Lester Turns 40 Listen to Music

When Jason Mamoa Comes Home

When One Size Fits All

When the Tide Rolls Inn

When the Water Runs Out on the Island

When You Come Back Again

When You Reach Out Your Hand

When Your 48 Hours Have Flown

When You're in Jail

Where the Boundaries Are

Where'd You Get That Scar?

Why Do I Act Like I Do? 

With My Martin in My Hands

Yankees Fans

Yesterday's Mail

You're in the Driver's Seat

Young Jack Trice

plus about four songs it’s better not mentioning by name!!

NOTE:  These are the tunes you'll hear in my performances.  If you want to record or perform a John Burns original, there are thousands and thousands more.

Click on poster to enlarge.